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What's Happening at FBC November 17

Writer's picture: mwwmww

Inside: We need help on Saturday morning with the Nativity sets. Also -- Budget dinner (Nov 20), Advent devotional books, Thanksgiving holiday schedule, church decorating, and more.


"Many hands make light work"

- a really smart person

We could use some extra hands around the church!

  • Saturday, November 19 at 8:00am, we will be putting all the DTN sets up. The more hands we have, the faster and easier this job is. You don't have to have any particular skill set for this, just show up and we will give you a job!

  • Friday, November 25 at 9:00am, we will be decorating the church for Christmas. Again, no special skill required. The church is beautiful with all the decorations but it takes work. Please come help us!


Sunday Night, November 20 we will have our budget presentation along with a soup and sandwich dinner. Dinner will start at 5:30 and then we will begin the budget presentation at 6:00. There will be nursery for those of you who can focus better without your youngest kids around.


Ben has put together this wonderful resource for us to use during the month of November - help your family thank God for all of his generous gifts to us. Printed copies of the calendar are available on the Faith@Home Center in the Atrium.


There will be no Wednesday Night activities on November 23 and the church office will be closed November 24 and 25. We pray that you have a wonderful holiday with friends and family!

The LORD has done great things for us; we are filled with joy!

Psalm 126:3


Our church advent books will be available SUNDAY (November 20). Lots of people have worked hard to make this little book in the hopes that it will bless you and help focus your heart on Jesus this advent season. Inside, you will find devotions from your church staff, deacons, choir members and also the TeamKID students. You will also find some cool "Faith at Home" activities including a photo challenge, Drive-Thru nativity discussion guide, scavenger hunt, and a discussion guide for the movie "Elf". Please pick one of these up and use it this advent season!


We could still use some more help with acting! You don't have to commit to all three nights-- we will take what you are able to give us. You don't need acting experience to do a great job and have a great time. DTN is such a cool experience, and it's even better when you're a part of it!

If you are interested in Acting, Setup, Food, or Parking please contact Paige Boutwell to sign up.

Phone: 706-699-2138


If you missed the Georgia Baptist Convention, you missed some great preaching, some encouraging reports, and our pastor being elected a vice president. Take a look at everything that happened!


Operation Christmas Child is here and the deadline to turn boxes in is fast approaching! If you missed our collection date last Sunday, bring boxes this Sunday. That's fine!

And a favor: if you did your boxes online (like Kelli talked about in church), please let us know. We'd like to know how many boxes our church family is sending.


The weekend after Thanksgiving we have TWO great (and FREE) concerts to help kick off our Christmas and advent season.

  1. Saturday night we have our annual Mark Trammel and the Whisnants concert. You will be blessed by this concert. A love offering will be received.

  2. Sunday night we have a Community Choir concert! They've been rehearsing for months. You will not want to miss this concert.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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