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Faith at Home Starts with You

Our Faith @ Home center exists to help families become intentional in building a God-honoring home, one step at a time. No matter one's stage in life, family size or make up, Faith @ Home is for you!

Faith @ Home offers "Pointers" (brochures) with topics that provide biblical perspective on common family situations and life stages, along with a list of recommended resources and opportunities. We also offer "Recipe Cards" (activity suggestions) designed to give practical ideas for bringing faith home with family togetherness. Take advantage of the free resources available on this web page or visit  the Faith @ Home Center at First Baptist Church in the Atrium beside the main stairway.

Faith at Home: Connect (COVID-19 Edition)

Tech-Free Ideas for Families (Under Quarantine or Otherwise!)

Best Use: As a family. Phones away. Screens off. You can do it!

Nutritional Value: Take a technology timeout! It can become very easy to get in a lull (especially in “social distancing” during a virus) of spending hours watching screens. Some of the best discussions about life and faith I ever had with my family growing up was at the dinner table (no phones!), tossing a baseball or spending time together in the car. These are a few ideas for growing families together by doing tech-free options. The goal is to spend time together, have conversations and hopefully bring Jesus into the conversation!

Advance Preparation: Most of these ideas need minimal preparation or supplies.

 Go on a walk
 Play in the backyard
 Create chalk murals
 Crafting
 Make ice cream sundaes
 Make a pizza together
 Look through old family photos

and share memories
 Plant something and watch it

 Board game
 Jigsaw puzzle
 Charades
 Science experiment (internet)
 Go ride bikes
 Have a family picnic
 Cook dinner and set the table together

 Go to the park

 Throw frisbee, football, softball, etc.

 Play hide and seek
 Play “I Spy”
 Go outside and take family photos
 Go on a hike
 Go fishing

 Card games
 Family art project
 Rake the yard
 Make a flower bed
 Have a treasure hunt
 Roast marshmallows
 Create a blanket fort

 Set up a tent in the backyard and camp out

 Shoot some hoops
 Make and play with playdough

 Eat a meal by candlelight
 Storytime
 Bubbles outside
 Bubble bath
 Wash a car
 Rake leaves or mow the yard for a neighbor
 Tic tac toe, hopscotch and twister game using chalk

 Nerf wars or super soakers

 Family share time, highs and lows of the day
 Make cookies together, use sprinkles or icing
 Have a dance party
 Dress up in costumes

Getting Started

How Do I Get Started?

Step 1: Complete a Family Assessment. Being honest with where you are will help you know what kind of help or advice you need.

Step 2: Read the "Life Stages" and "Pointers" resources that you've identified as most important to you. (Keep scrolling)

Step 3: Try some "Recipe Cards" for creative ideas you can implement immediately in your home. (Keep scrolling)

Image by Aaron Burden

Back to School

Use this recipe card to guide your family through prayer for the school year.

Image by Jouwen Wang

Treasure Hunt

Make a boring afternoon a fun chance to teach your kids about following Jesus.

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