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Serve on a team
  Meet people's needs
    Be a good steward

Serve Christ out of love . . .

We want all of our church members to

  • Regularly serve from your unique SHAPE on a team.

  • Regularly meet people's needs with gospel compassion.

  • Practice biblical stewardship of your time, money, and talents.


Wait - What's My "SHAPE"?

God has created every one of us to be absolutely unique, and God wants us to use our unique S.H.A.P.E. to serve one another in love and for His glory. At First Baptist Church, we offer many different ways our members can serve, and that list is always growing. But it starts with you knowing your SHAPE!

Spiritual Gifts

Heart Passions






Stewardship is the idea that everything belongs to God, and God lets us be responsible for a part of it. At FBC, we promote Dave Ramsey's approach called Financial Peace University (and we usually teach it once a year). He believes that Christians should live debt free and be exceedingly generous. His course covers everything from budgeting to investing.

Financial Peace University.jpg

But we aren't just stewards of money - we also have skills, talents, and time that God wants us to use wisely and for His glory. It was well said that we can learn everything we need to know about a person's priorities by looking at their bank statement, their calendar, and their phone history. We want your life to be in service of God, and that's why we want to give you meaningful opportunities to use your gifts and talents through and alongside our church. 

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