Share the Gospel
Reach Our Neighbors
Reach the Nations
Go for Christ to make disciples . . .
We want all of our church members to
Regularly pray, give and go to reach our neighbors and the nations.
Be prepared to engage others in Gospel Conversations.
Be part of a one-on-one disciplemaking relationship.
Opportunities to Go on Mission with First Baptist Church

Our church partners with HOI to send a team annually to Honduras where we work with anything from pastoral encouragement, children's education, economic development, to clean water, medical relief, and sanitation. This trip usually occurs the last week in May.

West Virginia
The Kilpatrick Baptist Association of which we are a part has a partnership with the Southern Baptists of West Virginia, and they annually send a team to help with everything from Vacation Bible School, church maintenance, evangelism, to outreach and encouragement. This trip usually takes place in mid-July.

McDuffie County
Mission McDuffie
Our church sponsors this project in which members of many churches work together to help our neighbors in need take care of their property. The work can be anything from yardwork, house painting, or cleanup to roofing and wheelchair ramp building. This local project takes place the first week of June.

Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries
In addition to financially supporting SMRM through our Go and Tell Mission Fund, we send a team every year over Labor Day weekend to help their staff lead worship services, do evangelism, and other projects as needed.

Disaster Relief
Georgia Baptist are committed to helping our neighbors in crisis, and our church members can be certified to join them for anything from chainsaw work, mobile kitchen, to counseling and evangelism.

Other Opportunities
Those are just some of the ways we can share hope in Jesus Christ. We also work with our local pantry, Manna Ministries, send baskets of supplies to our local shelter, SafeHomes Augusta, support our local foster care system with an annual Angel Tree, minister to young ladies through Wonderfully Stitched, and more.
Praying for Missions

Giving to Missions

Go and Tell Mission Fund
In addition to the budget, we also maintain a separate mission fund. We encourage our members to give $5/month. The money from this fund goes toward Manna Ministries, our local Kilpatrick Association, the Georgia Baptist Children's Home, World Hunger Relief, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, Smokey Mountain Resort Ministries, and we also keep some to be used for emergency or unforeseen mission needs as they happen.
Other Mission Giving
As a Southern Baptist Church, we encourage our members to give to the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions, and the Mission Georgia Offering for Georgia Missions. We also encourage our members to give toward our annual Angel Tree for foster care children, our Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection, and our "ministry box" which receives items throughout the year on a rotating basis (which we use to fill backpacks for kids in need, and baskets for moms in need, and much more).