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What's Happening at FBC May 12


Updated: May 13, 2023

Inside: Photos from our week, Mother's Day is Sunday, VBS registration is open, letters for the Honduras team and more...


We have had a fun and busy week. Last Saturday we had our Women's Conference, Sunday we celebrated our graduates, Tuesday was preschool fun day, Wednesday we recognized all of our TeamKID and TinyKID students and leaders, and last night was our preschool advancement ceremony! What a great week.


Sunday is Mother's Day! We will only have one service this year. Service time will be our usual 10:45 am. After worship, Maggie Allen will be in the atrium to take free family photos.


It's time to register your kids, grandkids, and neighbors for VBS!

Preregistration is a HUGE help as we plan for VBS.

VBS June 18-22; 6:00-8:30 PM

Family Night June 23; 6:00-8:30 PM

  • VBS is open to kids who are 4 years old all the way through kids who have completed 6th grade.

  • This year we will start each evening by providing dinner to the kids. We hope this will help alleviate some stress in getting your kids to church each night.

For any questions, email Christy:


Our Honduras team leaves June 3 and we want to send them with letters of encouragement. Please take the time to write a letter to some (or all!) of the team members to encourage them as they serve the Lord and represent our church in Honduras. Letters should be turned into the church office by May 28.


There are still quite a few items needed for VBS. Stop by the atrium after church on Sunday. We have several ways to donate including our Amazon Registry, Gift Cards, and things you can pick up at Walmart.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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