Inside: Spring Break, Parking Lot Project, Camping Trip, and more!

Hopefully you all are enjoying Spring Break this week! There isn't a whole lot in the way of "new news". Remember if you are planning to come up to the church that the parking lots are still being worked on. This Sunday will be the deadline for signing up for the Father/Child campout. Be sure to register if you haven't already! Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break! We look forward to worshipping with you Sunday!

The Parking Lots Are Being Resurfaced Spring Break
There’s never a convenient time to do this, so we’re going with the least inconvenient time. The week of Spring Break (April 8-12), if you come to the building, you may have to park somewhere different.
· On Monday and Tuesday (April 8-9), they will be resurfacing the main parking lot (near the Post Office) and the fountain parking lot.
· On Wednesday and Thursday (April 10-11), they will be resurfacing the south parking lot (the CVS side).
· On Friday (April 12), they will be resurfacing the lot next to the playground and the Warehouse.
All of this is contingent on the weather. Lord willing, everything will run smoothly. We just ask that everybody be prepared that their “usual parking space” might be unavailable for a day or two.

Fathers this event is for you and your kids! Join us for a camp out at the Poston Farm! The cost is $20/person to cover food for the weekend. Be watching for signups!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
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