Inside: Palm Sunday, Wild Game Supper recap, Seder Meal tickets, Marriage Conference and more!

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday! Join us as we begin our celebration of Holy Week. As a reminder, the kids' Annie Armstrong offering banks are due back tomorrow.
On behalf of Drue Poston, who had it on his heart that our church needed to do this kind of outreach event, let me say a huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our Wild Game Supper so smooth and effective. We had about 350 people here, and we are aware of 6 decisions for Christ (which is fantastic) that we are trying to follow up with. Furthermore, we had a lot of people in our building who have never been here before. Those things made this event a true success. Would you believe that it's been 8 years since we had our last one? A lot has changed in 8 years; we're having a meeting on Sunday afternoon to write down all lessons learned. When we do an event like this again, we know it will be even better. Thank you all!

On Thursday, March 28, we are going to have a Seder meal as a part of our Holy Week activities. This will be a great time of reflection and fellowship. The cost is $5 per person and you must purchase tickets in advance to help up with the planning. Tickets will be available for purchase in the atrium after service, during Wednesday night suppers or in the church office. Tickets need to be purchased before March 24.

We are so excited to be offering a marriage conference this year! In an effort to be able to keep things simple and affordable, we are offering this conference at our church this year. The cost to attend is $75/couple and will include a nice dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and bowling on Saturday afternoon.
Adam and Sarah Rice have been married for 15 years and have served in vocational ministry together for 11 years. Adam serves as associate pastor and elder at Capshaw Baptist Church in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Sarah serves as communications lead at Capshaw and is the author of two books. Adam and Sarah have four sons, ages 12, 10, 8, and 5. Adam and Sarah both enjoy teaching, discipling, and counseling individuals and couples in a number of capacities and settings.
To register, click HERE.

Fathers this event is for you and your kids! Join us for a camp out at the Poston Farm! The cost is $20/person to cover food for the weekend. Be watching for signups!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: