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What's Happening at FBC December 9


Inside: DTN recap, Youth Christmas Party, Christmas Family Feast, Lottie Moon banks due Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and more!


We are so thankful to have been able to have two amazing nights of Drive-Thru Nativity. On Sunday night 541 people came through the nativity, and on Tuesday 818 people. Thank you to everyone who played a part in our DTN this year. From praying, food, set up, decorating, construction, acting, and anything else I am forgetting. It truly takes a village, and we have a pretty good one. So many people come to our nativity year after year as a way to "kick off" the Christmas season. Thank you for our willingness to serve our community.


Sunday, December 11 at 6:00 we will have our annual Youth Christmas Party at the Tarver's house. We will have lots of yummy food, games, and a gift exchange! Please bring a $15 gift for the exchange.


Wednesday, December 14 is our Christmas Family Feast. This will be our Wednesday night program. We hope that you and your family will join us for this time of fellowship. The cost for the meal is a donation to the Lottie Moon Offering!


Christmas Ornaments and prints are here! You can pick them up after church on Sunday or stop by the church office. We do have a few extra ornaments if you did not preorder one and would like to get one.


This Sunday begins our week of prayer for International Missions. We will be posting regularly over on Facebook with stories and prompts for the week of prayer. This Sunday, December 11, kids will need to bring their Lottie Moon banks with them when they come up for children's church with Ben.


Our social media photo challenge posts have been so fun to look at! Keep the pictures coming!


If you have family in town for Christmas, please bring them to our Christmas Eve service! We organize this service so as not to derail your family supper plans. What better time to celebrate Jesus than the night we celebrate His birth?


Christmas is on a Sunday this year, so we will not have Sunday School, and we will not have a separate nursery. The service will be shorter than usual and filled with singing, so our toddlers will fit right in. If your family is like everyone else's, the kids will be done with their presents by 7:00 am, right? Plenty of time to eat breakfast and get ready for church. :)


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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