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November 5 - Happening This Week

Writer's picture: mwwmww

Inside: Trunk or Treat Report, Veterans Day, Budget, Drive-Thru Nativity, Concert and Pastor's Prayer Drive

This is a copied-and-pasted version of our weekly email. If you would like to receive this information by email, please use the "Subscribe" button in the bottom menu.


Sunday, November 8, we will honor our veterans. Thank you to all of our men and women who have served in our nation's military.


Budget Presentation: Sunday, November 15, 2020

5:30 PM Sanctuary

Budget Vote: Sunday, November 22

After Morning Worship, Sanctuary


Pastor David will spend the next three months of prayer driving our community. His goal is to drive past the house of every resident church member and pray for them specifically. Pastor David would love to know specific prayer needs to pray for and would be willing to pray with anyone who is interested (while social distancing of course). Simply email him or text him your prayer requests and whether you’d like him to stop at your house, or give you a call, to pray with you.

You can email Pastor David at or text him at 706-699-3927.

On the next outing, Pastor David will be prayer driving All streets off of White Oak past the Bypass (Windsor, Tanglewood, Mynatt, Howard, Shield’s Pond, Hinton Wilson, Marshall Church, Ginger Hill). Watch the Cornerstone and Enewsletter for future areas our pastor will be prayer driving. And let us all “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18).


Drive-Thru Nativity is quickly approaching. We need your help to make this event a success!

Saturday, November 21, 8:00 AM

Help us repair, paint, construct, and install the sets.


We are excited to have two very talented groups, the Mark Trammell Quartet, and the Whisnants, joining us again this year to do a Christmas concert! The concert will be on Saturday, November 28, at 6:00 PM in our sanctuary. Admission is FREE, but a love offering will be taken. We are requiring an RSVP. Mask and social distancing will be enforced. This is a great way to kick off the Christmas season! For more info visit our website!


Our drive-thru Trunk or Treat was a success! We were able to give out 428 bags of candy that included a gospel presentation tract to children in our community! Thank you for helping us to love God, love People, and plant seeds for the gospel in Thomson!


While we are in uncertain financial times, it is as important as ever for us to trust in God’s providential care and to give so that the Kingdom’s work can continue. We are still doing ministry, supporting missions, helping with disaster relief, and we still have bills and staff to pay. We encourage you to mail or drop by the church office your tithe and gifts. We also have online giving available on our website and via the Realm Connect app.


As we continue to ask, “What Did Jesus Do?” we discover in John’s gospel, that Jesus Interceded. As believers, we should follow Jesus' example as we pray for ourselves, our church, and the world we seek to reach with the Gospel.

Join us in person, listen on WTHO 101.7 FM, or watch our live-stream online.

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