Inside: Egg Hunt, Youth Event, Holy Week, Annie Armstrong, Book Club, Blood Drive, and Aspire Conference.
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Youth Movie Night
Ben & Christy Tarver's Home
Saturday, March 20
6:00-9:00 PM
Join us for a movie night, pizza, fellowship, and fun!

Aspire Women's Conference 2021 FBC North Augusta Friday, May 7, 7:00 PM Tickets: $25 Aspire is a one-night women's event with three ladies taking the stage. The lineup will include author and Bible teacher Heather M. Dixon, comedian Anita Renfroe, and musician Mia Koehne.

Join us for Holy Week!
Holy Week Community Worship
Monday, March 29
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM, FBC Sanctuary
Speaker: Pastor David Lambert, FBC Thomson
Tuesday, March 30
11:30 AM– 12:00 PM, FBC Sanctuary
Speaker: Pastor Mark Sellers, Marshall Baptist
Wednesday, March 31
11:30 AM– 12:00 PM, FBC Sanctuary
Speaker: Pastor Clifton Brown, Sweetwater Baptist
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 1
7:00 PM, FBC Sanctuary
Good Friday Service
(In place of traditional cross walk)
Friday, April 2
5:30 PM, FBC Park weather permitting
Speaker: Pastor David Lambert
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 4
Sunrise Service, 7:00 AM, Savannah Valley Memorial Gardens
Speaker: Pastor Steve Dodson, Thomson FUMC
Easter Worship, 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM, FBC Sanctuary

Easter Egg Hunt
Invite Someone to
Join the Fun
Saturday, April 3
11:30 AM

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering March 7-14 is this year’s Week of Prayer for North American Missions. Please use the prayer guide to help you pray for our North American missionaries, and please give generously to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our goal this year is $8,200. The hope for America is not in who people vote for in the ballot box, but Who people surrender their lives to every day. We need missionaries and churches penetrating the lostness of America with the love of Jesus!

For this month's book club selection, we will read Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter edited by Nancy Guthrie. This collection of 25 readings features writings and sermons from classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers that can encourage thoughtful contemplation of the cross and resurrection during Lent as we approach Easter. The links to purchase a book are below. Amazon Christian Book We will meet on Tuesday, March 23. If you want to be part of the in-person book club, join us in the Fellowship Hall at 6 PM. But if you want to be part of the online book club, we will meet separately at 7:15 PM on Zoom. Contact the church office and let us know which meeting to expect you to attend: in-person or online.

Blood Drive
Thursday, March 25
11:30 AM-6:30 PM
FBC Fellowship Hall
All donors who participate in this March blood drive will receive a Shepeard t-shirt and will also receive points for the donor store.
Chick-fil-A Thomson will be giving the first 70 donors a coupon that can be redeemed for a meal.

Monthly Ministry Donation Food For Manna fruit cocktail, chicken broth, green beans, turnip greens, boxed Jiffy cornbread mix, grits, sugar, canned yams, cranberry sauce, and Stove-Top stuffing mix Please bring your items and place them in the blue box under the portico or in the collection box located in your Sunday School room.

Last Sunday, we began our journey with Jesus through Mark's gospel, answering the question, "Who is Jesus?" Sunday, Pastor David will help us understand why Jesus came.