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December 3 - Happening This Week

Inside: Drive-Thru Nativity, Angel Tree, Deacon Selection, Lottie Moon, Upward Camp, Christmas Eve, and Photo Challenge.

This is a copied-and-pasted version of our weekly email. If you would like to receive this information by email, please use the "Subscribe" button in the bottom menu.


It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that Matt & David have had to make the decision to cancel the Drive-Thru Nativity for this year.

We have had a number of key people (both in pre-prep roles and in the cast) fall ill or become unavailable for various reasons. Consequently, we find ourselves in a position where, for everyone's health and safety, the best call is to cancel the event.

Know that we plan to add signs with scripture to the already-assembled Nativity sets to tell the story as people drive past during the remainder of the month, so we are still taking the opportunity to share the good news.

We are so thankful for our members who signed up to help with this year's event. The servant hearts and willingness of our congregation to volunteer their time and skills make this event a success each year. We pray that you and your family will keep healthy and trust that you will make the most of our church's Advent services as we approach Christmas.


If you selected an angel from the Angel Tree please remember that presents are due back to the church unwrapped on Sunday, December 6! We are also accepting donations of wrapping paper, gift bags, and tape! Thank you for praying for and loving our local foster care children this Christmas!


The following men were nominated by the voting members of First Baptist Church on Sunday, November 1st, and have shown their willingness to serve as deacon if selected by the church for the three-year term 2021-2023.

Lee Briggs

Doug Dent

Jerry Dunn

Russell Gary

Daniel Hughes

Paul Leroy

Mike Lloyd

Wayne Miller

Cleve Poston

Bill Shields

Buddy Vann

Jerry Varnadoe

Pray for God’s guidance as you look through the list of nominees. On Sunday, December 6, 2020, in a called church conference following morning worship, the membership will follow the same process as in the nomination with those unable to be present in worship allowed to vote for up to one hour after worship in person at the Fellowship Hall covered entrance. Ballots will be available in the Sanctuary and at the covered entrance. You will select up to eight men whom you believe meet the qualifications and character of a deacon. The ballots will be counted by the diaconate that afternoon. The eight men receiving the highest number of votes will be added to the 2021 Diaconate.


Week of Prayer for International Missions will be November 29-December 6. Please use the prayer guide that was in your Cornerstone or use this link to get the daily prompts to intercede on behalf of our missionaries working around the world to share the gospel. Also, please consider giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering so these missionaries can continue to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Our children will turn in their Lottie Moon Christmas Banks on Sunday, December 6 during the children's sermon.


We are excited to announce Upward Basketball Camp coming in 2021! This is a skills & drills based camp that encourages fundamentals and fun. The camp will take place on three consecutive Saturdays, February 20, 27, and March 6. The age groupings and times are as follows: K/5-3rd Grade boys and girls are 9:00 AM-Noon; 4th-8th grade boys and girls are 1:00 PM-4:00 PM. Please note, these age groupings are subject to change based on the number of signups. The cost of Upward Camp is $32. The cost includes a participant kit with a t-shirt, water bottle, and basketball. Registration will begin Monday, December 14. The easiest way to register and pay is online. A specific link to our church’s payment page will be released soon. You can also go by the church office and complete a Registration Form and pay in-person. Please consider having your child involved or inviting another family to participate in Upward Basketball Camp!



Please make plans to join us for our Christmas Eve service with pre-packaged Lord’s Supper elements. We are offering two services, at 5 and 8 PM, to account for our restricted capacity in the sanctuary. We are also strongly encouraging everyone to wear masks for these services.


Every Christmas, the Deacons of First Baptist Church deliver a beautiful plant to each homebound member. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, please bring your $14 donation labeled “Homebound Plants” to the church office or place it in the offering plate.


Join us in a new Advent challenge this year! Let's extend our digital outreach and brighten things up on Facebook and Instagram with photos that tell the story of Jesus' birth. Each day post a picture that relates to each day's word. Tag FBCThomson and use #FBCTAdvent2020


Monthly Ministry Donation Items:

Winter Wearables

~any size, any gender ~

warm socks, hats, gloves, mittens, ear muffs, scarves

Please bring your items and place them in the blue box under the portico.


While we are in uncertain financial times, it is as important as ever for us to trust in God’s providential care and to give so that the Kingdom’s work can continue. We are still doing ministry, supporting missions, helping with disaster relief, and we still have bills and staff to pay. We encourage you to mail or drop by the church office your tithe and gifts. We also have online giving available on our website and via the Realm Connect app.


Join us Sunday as we celebrate the second week of Advent. We will discover how the Gospel brings peace and dispels our fears.

Join us in person, listen on WTHO 101.7 FM, or watch our live-stream online.


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