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What's Happening at FBC September 7


Inside: A LOT!


Ahhh!! Fall is in the air... or at least almost in the air. (Weather, catch up!) We are officially in the "BER" months, my personal favorite! We have football on TV, plans to use our smoker, and fall candles going! Fall is also a good time to make a fresh start. For me it has a similar feel to the start of the new year (probably because of all the years I spent in school). It's a good time to renew commitments, set new goals, and get involved in new ways. Thankfully we have lots of opportunities for all of those things coming up!

I will go into more detail below but maybe you need to set new financial goals this fall, we have a couple wonderful opportunities for you to learn new tricks and tips to experience financial freedom (how amazing does "financial freedom" sound?!) Maybe a new goal is to get involved consistently in Sunday School. Now is the perfect time, we have a big breakfast and "Sunday School kick off" tomorrow. Or maybe you've been looking for a way to get involved. Our Fall Festival is a wonderful way for you to get involved with our church and with serving the community, and you're only committing to 3 hours!

What a great time to be a part of FBC Thomson! I'm so thankful for our church family!


Our youth had a wonderful time in Gatlinburg last weekend! We were able to host two worship services in the campgrounds on Sunday morning and work at a food pantry! We have a great group of youth! Ben and I are so proud of them!


BIG BREAKFAST is tomorrow! Join us at 9:00 AM for a time of food, fellowship, and a joint Sunday School lesson! Bring your kids with you to eat breakfast. We will dismiss all kids before we dive into the Sunday School lesson.


At the end of the worship service tomorrow, we will have a called church conference. We will be voting on a couple recommendations from the VIT committee as well as 8 men to serve as deacons for the 2025-2027 term. I hope that you are prayerfully considering who God would have serve our church. This is a great list and all of these men would be wonderful deacons and are already doing so much to serve our church! These 12 men have agreed to serve if elected.

Bobby Anthony

Chip Bentley

Doug Dent

John Dent

Jerry Dunn

Russell Gary

Daniel Hughes

Drew Kitchens

Wayne Miller

Jay Mixon

Randy Pilgrim

Cleve Poston


On September 15th, we will be hosting a special weekend on financial stewardship, led by Injoy Stewardship Solutions. We’ll have a guest preacher in the pulpit that morning, and an afternoon workshop to help our folks win with money God’s way. We all know that many families are struggling financially: living paycheck-to-paycheck, racking up more consumer debt, dealing with rising inflation, and wondering how best to invest for the future. While there are no quick fixes, there is biblical wisdom to help us live fully funded lives right in the center of God’s will. You’ll be seeing more about this special weekend event in the coming weeks, as well as the six-week small group Bible study we’ll launch the next Sunday (9/22), called I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. Registration is required for both. The FLE Weekend is free, but there will be a small fee for the study to cover cost of materials. Stay tuned for more!


Starting tomorrow, you will be able to register a 6 week small group study. We will be going through the book, "I was broke. Now I'm not". This study will take place during the Sunday School hour starting on September 22. I know that you will be encouraged and inspired by this study regardless of where you are at financially. Afterall, I think you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! This cost for this course is $30 but please don't let that stop you from attending. The church would be happy to cover the cost for you if this is a barrier that would keep you from attending! Reach out to David, Matt, Ben or myself (Christy) if you would like us to pay this for you.


Our fall festival is coming up! As I mentioned above, this would be a great way for you to serve our church and our community (and its a LOT of fun!). If you're interested in helping you can contact the church office or fill out the connect card tomorrow morning at church.

I'm sure by now you have seen people (especially at VBS or on Wednesday nights) wearing the green "FBC Kids" t-shirts. These would be great to wear to the fall festival (but not required). If you would like a shirt, they're $20. Send me an email ( and I'll make sure you get one!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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