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What's Happening at FBC January 18


Inside: Lots of things happening this Sunday, We're Hiring, Triumphant Quartet, Next Steps Luncheon and more!


There are several things coming up this Sunday that you will want to be a part of. Sunday morning we will celebrate the Lord's Supper together. Then at 5:00 PM we will have a committee workshop. We want our committees to use this as a time to plan for the year as well as name officers. At 6:00 PM we will transition to our Quarterly Church Conference. Join us as we celebrate God's faithfulness to us in 2023 and look forward to all he has in store for us in the future. As a part of this conference we will hear from the Vision Team on future projects as it relates to facilities and planning.


We are looking to hire a paid nursery worker. We need someone who is available two Wednesday night and two Sunday mornings a month. Stop by the church office for an application or email Danielle at


Wednesday nights are back! We hope that you will join us for dinner at 5:00 (RSVP Required) and Bible Study at 6:00! There is something for everyone!


Don't miss the deadline to sign your kids up for camp! There's a camp for everyone from rising second graders to kids who are graduating this year. Camp is such a good time for kids to grow in their relationships with the Lord and each other.


Mark your calendars for Friday, February 2! We are excited to welcome the Triumphant Quartet back to our church! Admission is free. A love offering will be received at the end of the concert.


Are you new to First Baptist? 

Did you recently join? 

We would love for you to come find out more about our church at the Next Steps Luncheon immediately following Worship 

on February 11! 


Planning is well underway for our Wild Game Supper on March 16! WE need your help.. If you have wild game that you can donate for this supper we would love to know so that we can better plan. Please email Matt at and let him know what you have!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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