Inside: Ash Wednesday, Wild Game Supper, Evangelism Conference, Marriage Conference, and more!

Wednesday February 14 we will have our Ash Wednesday Service with the Lord's Supper. We will have dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:00 as usual and then we will all be together in the Sanctuary for the service. There will still be nursery for kids up to age 4.

"Evangelism" can be a scary word, but it doesn't have to be! Join us February 25-26 as we travel to Conyers for the GBC Evangelism Conference and come back refreshed and encouraged to share your faith! We will be taking a bus both days. If you would like to ride the bus with us Sunday, Monday, or both, email Christy. (

On March 3 we will celebrate Ben's 10 anniversary as youth and family pastor. We will have a time of recognition during the service followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall. We hope that you will join us!

Planning is well underway for our Wild Game Supper on March 16! WE need your help.. If you have wild game that you can donate for this supper we would love to know so that we can better plan. Please email Matt at and let him know what you have! We also will need help serving during the event in several capacities.

We are so excited to be offering a marriage conference this year! In an effort to be able to keep things simple and affordable, we are offering this conference at our church this year. The cost to attend is $75/couple and will include a nice dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, as well as your choice of bowling or top golf on Saturday afternoon.
Adam and Sarah Rice have been married for 15 years and have served in vocational ministry together for 11 years. Adam serves as associate pastor and elder at Capshaw Baptist Church in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Sarah serves as communications lead at Capshaw and is the author of two books. Adam and Sarah have four sons, ages 12, 10, 8, and 5. Adam and Sarah both enjoy teaching, discipling, and counseling individuals and couples in a number of capacities and settings.
To register, click HERE.

Manna is currently asking for us to "Love our Neighbor" by donating canned Tuna and canned chicken for them to distribute. We have created a separate bin in the atrium to collect these items.

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: