Inside: Nursery Remodel Update, Deacon Ordination Service, Wednesday Night Kickoff, New Giving Envelopes, Lottie Moon Update, and New Sermon Series.

Progress Continues on our new nursery space! We are hopeful that we will be settled into our new space on January 9, 2022. We are so thankful for everyone who has put so much time and energy into making this a great space for our kids!

We hope you will join us on January 9 as we ordain Mr. Chase Beggs and Mr. Stephen Swann to the office of deacon.

Wednesday night activities kick off January 12.
David and Matt will be co-leading a study written by Matt Chandler on the Apostles Creed. Books for this study are $10. Contact the church office if you would like to participate in this study.

If you purchased a church T-Shirt they are available for pickup! We also have a few extras if you did not purchase one but would like one!
There are no evening activities Wednesday, January 5.
Offering envelopes for the new year will be available in the atrium. Please note that the envelope numbers have changed.

We have raised $11,782.02 towards our $12,500 Lottie Moon Offering Goal. Your generous gifts to this ministry allow the gospel to spread throughout the world!

Our January Ministry Donation is Hair Care Products.
Please place your donations in the blue bin in the atrium.

In a new sermon series, We Believe: Doctrines that Make a Difference, Pastor David will help us understand the basic truths of Baptist Beliefs. In his first message, we will discover three key truths about The Bible as God's revelation to us.