Inside: Lord's Supper this Sunday, Women's Ministry Opportunities, SMRM, Next Steps Luncheon, FBC Pandora Charm and more!

There will be a Women's Ministry meeting Tuesday, August 23 at 6:00 PM for anyone who may be interested in this ministry!

Be in prayer for our youth and adult leaders as they prepare to travel to Gatlinburg over Labor Day weekend. They will be working with Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries to lead worship services in campgrounds as well as completing some projects around the ministry house.

David began his study "The Bible in Its World" last night. It's an interesting and informative study looking at the places where the heroes of our faith lived and were led to write the scriptures. It's also never too late to join in! All adults are invited to be a part of this study. Each Wednesday night has its own subject, so you don't have to worry if you miss a night. Come and be a part of it!
Bonus Wednesday Night Announcement!
You saw the TeamKid picture as our cover -- Wednesday nights have started strong for all of our kids. They're having a great time, and they're learning so much about the Bible already! First, a big "kudos" to all of our adult volunteer leaders. Second, invite your friends' kids to be a part of this! Wednesday evenings at 6:00 -- grade schoolers to the gym, preschoolers to the Chapel.

Whether you are new to our church, have been visiting for a while, or recently joined, we hope that you will join us for a Next Steps Luncheon immediately following worship on August 28. You will get to know our pastors, learn more about the ministries of FBC, and have a chance to ask questions! E-mail Christy Tarver to make your reservation! (We want to make sure to have enough food.)

We will observe the Lord's Supper together this Sunday, August 21. A benevolence offering will be received at the end of the service.

Holley Jewelers is pleased to announce the presentation of the FBC Thomson, GA Pandora charm. This charm is unique and displays the rich legacy of this outstanding church with its vibrant colors and the cross centered as its focal point. On the other side is a name synonymous with the town of Thomson itself because of the pride its people have in this church and all for which it stands. You can call 706-595-1245 and reserve one of these fine treasures or you can visit our website at and submit your pre-order.

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: