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What's Happening This Week (January 16)


Inside: Wednesday night kick-off, Youth Winter Retreat, Kids and Youth Summer camps, QCC, Next Steps Luncheon and more!


Our Wednesday night programs are off to a great start! If you haven't made it on a Wednesday yet, you can join us anytime!


Our kids and youth are headed back to camp this summer! The dates and information for each are in the graphic above. The deposits for both are $75 and are due by January 31!


The youth are headed to Gatlinburg for Presidents Day weekend! The trip will include devotions, worship in the campground on Sunday, free time in Gatlinburg, ice skating, snow tubing, and more! The cost for the trip is $150. Please sign up before January 31!


Our Quarterly Church Conference is coming up this Sunday at 6:00 PM. We hope that you will come and find out what's coming up in the life of our church this next quarter. There will be nursery available!


Are you new to First Baptist? Did you recently join? We would love for you to come find out more about our church at the Next Steps Luncheon immediately following Worship on January 26! Email to sign up!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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