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What's Happening at FBC August 9

Retirement lunch on Sunday, Wednesday Night Kick Off, Tribute Concert and Next Steps Luncheon


We had such a great day celebrating our kids this past Sunday! We were able to give all our rising First Graders Bibles in worship, all of the kids promoted to their new Sunday School classes and we had a great time at Pizza with the Pastors!


This Sunday we get the chance to celebrate two of our favorites! We will celebrate the retirement of Mrs. Cookie Cobb and Mrs. Sharon Pirkle in worship and then with lunch after worship. Both of these ladies have given years of their lives to serve our church, and they've done it well! We know that you will want to join us for lunch to celebrate them!


Our Wednesday Night programs kick off for the fall this Wednesday, August 14. There are options for everyone! David will pick up his Route 66 series in Matthew this year! There is a ladies study as well as a men's study as well! The kids will be divided up depending on their age/grade. If you have any questions about Wednesday nights, please email Christy (


Friday, August 16 we are excited to host the Tribute Quartet in concert! Admission to the concert is free, but we will receive a love offering. Invite your friends!


Whether you are a new member or have been visiting for a while, we hope that you will make plans to join us at our Next Steps Luncheon after worship on August 25. During this lunch you will find out more about our church and how you can get involved! You can sign up on the connect card during worship or email Christy (


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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