Senior Adults
Some people may be able to retire from their jobs, but no one can retire from being a Christian! Some of our best and most meaningful years of growth and service come later in life, and we want to provide all of our adults--of all ages--opportunities to grow and serve. Our senior adults at FBC are our pillars and inspirations. Everyone is welcome to be a part of what they're doing on our campus and for our community.

Weekly Small Groups
We have a number of Sunday School classes for senior adults, some for men, some for women, and some for couples. Let us help you find the right one for you!
We also have a number of groups that meet occasionally/seasonally. Some of these are short-term Bible studies, and some of these are service-oriented, like our Christ and Crafts ministry and our women's shelter basket ministry. Contact us to learn more! Or keep reading for some of our most popular ongoing opportunities.
Stretch and Flex
M/W/F 10:00-11:00
In the FBC Gym
A staff member from the Family Y partners with us to provide a great exercise program for senior adults.
Young at Heart
The Second Tuesday 11:00
In the FBC Fellowship Hall
This lunch-and-learn time provides fellowship, food, and an important topic in our community. This requires an RSVP for lunch, so sign up with the office.
Ongoing Opportunities
In addition to all of that, our senior adults have found our Re:Connect classes (covering everything from apologetics to Baptist theology) extremely helpful. Keep up with our calendar to see what's happening now.